Early China Coast Meteorology:The Role of Hong Kong

Early China Coast Meteorology:The Role of Hong Kong

Early China Coast Meteorology:The Role of Hong Kong:【最後說陳^佩琪很難管,想寫就n寫什麼】x


歡迎到博客來購買Early China Coast Meteorology:The Role of Hong Kong

書本內容訊息描述: In this colourful story of the Hong Kong Observatory, P. Kevin MacKeown takes us through the development of the Observatory in the Crown colony in the period 1882–1912, featuring in particular its nettlesome founding director William Doberck. A Danish astronomer with little interest in meteorology, though eminently qualified for the senior scientific position, Doberck proved to be a very difficult employee — constantly clashing with his superiors, his confreres, and with the commercial community. Despite the antagonism between Doberck and the Jesuit observatories, a successful storm warning system was developed over several years.?? MacKeown also introduces the earliest efforts of quantitative meteorology in the region, and documents the additional contributions made by Jesuit observatories at Manila and Shanghai. The study of typhoons and their forecasting was of the greatest importance, and MacKeown details the earliest studies of storms in the China Sea.

Apart from general readers interested in Hong Kong』s history, this book will attract historians of science, especially those familiar with China and with Western colonialism in Asia.


【聚焦京津冀世界級城市群智能物流樞紐規劃、城市物流系統頂層設計、物流大5數據和雲計算平台建設、空間物流探索及體系搭建、城市智能物流前瞻研究等,服務雄安新區智能@物流和智能城市建設】b3J77P. Kevin MacKeown【中國與梵蒂岡上個月就主教t教任命問題簽署臨時協議後,郭金才和楊曉亭兩位中國主T主教獲准出席世界主教會議】R5[>NP. Kevin MacKeown, a graduate of the University College Dublin and the University of Durham, spent the bulk of his career teaching physics and studying cosmic radiation at the University of Hong Kong, where he remains as an hon【達到節能i15%效益,平均降低基本費17u%提到節能需求增加】R0H:Jorary professor.


  • 出版社:香港大學出版社   
  • 出版日期:2011/01/01
  • 語言:英文

本書在博客來的購買網址Early China Coast Meteorology:The Role of Hong Kong

Early China Coast Meteorology:The Role of Hong Kong:【目前日廠以村J村田規模最大,將重兵同時放在車用與s與小尺寸MLCC產品】>PX8N

